Home Warranty Program

Buyers and Sellers Benefit from a
Home Warranty
Pearce Real Estate is affiliated with American Home Shield® (AHS) to offer a value-added service to our clients. Your home will stand out from the rest when you offer the protection of an AHS warranty to potential buyers.
As a seller, a home warranty could help close the deal with a potential buyer. For a small fee at closing, you can offer a comprehensive warranty—and peace of mind—to potential buyers. With so many unknowns, a home warranty is designed to give seller and buyer peace of mind, protecting the seller during the listing period and the buyer for a full year, beginning the day of closing.
Home Warranty Benefits for Sellers
Sellers rate home warranties as one of the most important considerations when selling a home.
- Give your home a competitive advantage over homes without a warranty.
- Homes with a warranty sell faster and closer to the asking price.
- Coverage charges don't begin until the home is sold (where allowed by law).
- Warranties help eliminate post-sale disputes.

Home Warranty Benefits for Buyers
After buyers made their down payment, covered closing costs, paid for the move, and added up other expenses associated with a new home, the last thing they need is a costly repair. A home warranty protects buyers against repair or replacement expenses for covered appliances and systems during the first year in the new home.
- Warranties give peace of mind from unexpected repair costs.
- One year of repair or replacement is just a phone call away.
- Home warranties are renewable where allowed by law.