Last Updated: June 15, 2021

Overview Of The Real Estate Market

Written By: Barbara L. Pearce
Hand holding a tablet with statistics on it and a laptop open with charts and graphs displayed on the screen

Quick Real Estate Statistics From The National Association Of Realtors

NAR Membership Statistics

Members to date: 1,504,474 as of May 2021

Number of local associations: 1,108 as of 2020

Source: Monthly Membership Report and NAR Membership Statistics, 1908-present

REALTOR® Demographics

  • 68% percent of REALTORS® are licensed as sales agents, 20% hold broker licenses, and 13% hold broker associate licenses.
  • The typical REALTOR® is a 54-year-old white female who attended college and is a homeowner.
  • 65% of all REALTORS® are female, and the median age of all REALTORS® is 52.
  • Real-estate experience of all REALTORS® (median): 8 years
  • Median tenure at present firm (all REALTORS®): 5 years
  • Most REALTORS® worked 35 hours per week in 2020.
  • The median gross income of REALTORS® was $43,330 in 2020, an increase from $49,700 in 2019.
  • Median number of transaction sides in 2020:
    • Residential sides for all REALTORS®: 10
    • Residential sides for residential specialist broker/broker associates only: 13
    • Residential sides for residential specialists only: 9
    • Residential sides for commercial specialists only: 5
    • Commercial sides for commercial specialists only: 4
  • Formal education of REALTORS®:
    • Some college: 29%
    • Bachelor's degree: 32%
    • Graduate degree and above: 13%
    • Associate degree: 13%
    • Some graduate school: 6%
    • High-school graduate: 8%
  • REALTOR® affiliation with firms:
    • Independent contractor: 88%
    • Employee: 5%
    • Other: 7%

Source: 2021 National Association of REALTORS® Member Profile

Statistics On REALTORS® And Technology

  • REALTORS® most often prefer to communicate with their clients through text messaging, at 93%. Ninety percent preferred to communicate via telephone, and 89% through e-mail.
  • 70% of broker/broker associates and 69% of sales agents have a website.
  • 81% of members have their own listings on their website, 69% have information about buying and selling, and 66% have a link to their firm's website.
  • 74% of REALTORS® use Facebook and 56% use LinkedIn for professional purposes.
  • 20% of all members get 1-5% of their business from social media, and 10% get 6-10%.
  • Of the members that use drones in their real estate business of office, 36% hire a professional, 14% have someone in their office that uses drones, and 6% personally use drones. 21% do not use drones.

Source: 2021 Member Profile

Home Buyer Statistics

  • First-Time vs. Repeat Buyers: 
    • First-time buyers: 31%
    • Median age of first-time buyers: 33
    • Median age of repeat buyers: 55
    • Median household income of first-time buyers: $80,000
    • Median household income of repeat buyers: $106,700
  • The typical home purchased was 1,900 square feet in size, was built in 1993, and had three bedrooms and two bathrooms.
  • Among those who financed their home purchase, buyers typically financed 88% of the home price.
  • 88% of buyers purchased their home through a real estate agent or broker—a share that has steadily increased from 69% in 2001.
  • Buyers who would use their agent again or recommend their agent to others: 91%
  • Where buyers found the home they purchased: 
    • Internet: 51%
    • Real estate agent: 28%
    • Yard sign/open house sign: 7%
    • Friend, relative, or neighbor: 6%
    • Home builder or their agent: 5%
    • Directly from sellers/Knew the sellers: 3%

Source: 2020 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers(link is external)

Home Seller Statistics

  • The typical home seller in 2020 was 56 years of age, had a median household income of $106,500, and lived in their home for 10 years.
  • 89% of sellers were assisted by a real estate agent when selling their home.
  • Recent sellers typically sold their homes for 99% of the listing price, and 22% reported reducing the asking price at least once.
  • The typical home sold was on the market for 3 weeks.
  • 41% of sellers who used a real estate agent found their agents through a referral by friends or family, and 26% used the agent they previously worked with to buy or sell a home.
  • Sellers who definitely would use same agent again: 74%

Source: 2020 National Association of REALTORS® Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers(link is external)

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